Jennie's Pear Tree Blossom

Over the summer, when my older daughter and her friends were back home from college, they occasionally joined us for our weekly trivia nights at the local beer garden. Two of them got new tattoos recently and Jennie shared this lovely piece on her inner arm:

Jennie explained that this is a pear tree blossom, noting that when her parents moved into the house where she grew up, they planted a pear tree in the back yard. When she left for her first year of school in Chicago, the tree fell down. She wanted to commemorate the pear tree, which entered and exited her life at very significant points in her journey.

She credited this beautiful tattoo to Jason Hoodrich (@JasonHoodrich) at Family Tattoo (@FamilyTattoo) in Chicago.

Thanks to Jennie for sharing her awesome tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

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